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of wheels, to the left.)

Beauperthius (From the wings). — Cabby, stop here!
Anais. — Oh, my husband!
Fadinard. — He took a cab — the coward!
Anais. — I'm going into your house...
Fadinard. — Stop! He's going to ransack it!
Anais (Frightened). — Here he is!
Fadinard (Pushing her into the sentry box). — Go in there! (To himself.) And they call this a wedding day!
Beauperthius (Enters, limping). — Ah, here you are, Sir. You escaped me... (Shakes his foot.)
Fadinard. — Yes,to buy a cigar... I'm in need of a match... Have you one?
Beauperthius. — Sir, I summon you to open your house; and if I find her there... I am armed, Sir!
Fadinard. — First floor, the door to the left, turn the knob, please...
Beauperthius (To himself). — Strange! My feet are swollen! (Enters the house.)
Fadinard (Watching him a moment). — Good riddance!
Anais (Coming out of the sentry box). — I'm dying of fright, where shall I hide? Where shall I flee?
Fadinard. — Be calm, Madame, I trust that he'll not find you, up there.
(An upper window in the Post opens.)
Émile (At the window). — Quick, quick! Here's the hat.
Fadinard. — We're saved! Her husband is inside! Throw it! (Émile throws the hat, which catches upon the lamp.)
Anais. — Ah!
Fadinard. — ...!
(He jumps with his umbrella in an attempt to dislodge it; but cannot quite reach. Sounds of tumbling from Fadinard's stairway.)
Voice of Beauperthuis. — Curses!
Anais. — It is he!
Fadinard (Throws the gray cloak over Anais' shoulders, and turns down the hood over her head; hands her the rifle.) Courage! If he approaches you, present the bayonet, and call "Pass on!"
Anais. — But the hat! He will see it!
Fadinard (Runs toward Beauperthius, and covers him with his umbrella in order to prevent him from seeing the hat above his head). — Take care, you'll get wet!