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Radúz.—Why dost thou weep? Tell me.

Mahulena.—Because I can do naught else but weep! . . .

Radúz.—O, never did a more holy dew fall from heaven than that which now falls from the azure of thine eyes! Who art thou?

Mahulena.—I am Mahulena. . . . The king is my father. . . . O, Radúz, hold him not in too great hatred—if thou canst!

Runa (Behind the scenes)—Where art thou lingering, Mahulena?

Mahulena (Alarmed)—My mother’s voice! (To Radúz) O, do not grieve too much . . . my beloved! (Goes out.)

Přibina.—Come, sir! I shall fulfill what my king has commanded me—although unwillingly, believe me.

Radúz—Mahulena! (Goes out wrapt in thought, with Přibina and the rest.)


A spacious old park around the castle of King Stojmír. It is full of bushy shrubs, tall as trees, which form beautiful clusters of all sorts among the trees. On one side is a water basin, surrounded by mossy stones and overshadowed by nodding birches and weeping willows. The morning glow shines through the trees. In the background a portion of the castle is visible. Not far from it Vratko is busy cutting from the bushes flowers and sprouting twigs, which he lays in a basket.

Prija, Ziva, and Mahulena approach from the castle.

Prija and Ziva now lift their hands towards the sun, holding in them strings of pearls and sparkling jewels.

Prija.—O brilliant, clear, holy sun, thou seest all and generously casteth clusters of gold over mountains, valleys, meadows and lakes!

Ziva.—Thou dost illumine deep forests, fertile fields, towering castles, lofty burial mounds!

Prija.—Over all things thou pourest thy pleasing glow: illumine us likewise! Pour thy beauty on us!

Ziva.—Pour thy splendor on us and thy loveliness!

Prija.—Let us bloom as thine own charming morning glow!

Ziva.—Like thy dawn, smiling with gold and joyous!

Prija.—Give us beauty! O sun, hear us!

(Both kneel by the water basin, entwine their hair with pearls, and fasten on their jewels.)