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Klementina.—He wants to leave this afternoon.

Dr. Svoboda.—We will give him his answer in a few days.

Klementina.—Very well. (Walks off to the left.)

Dr. Svoboda (Buried in thought).—But what kind of an answer? Can I grant his request and make my child happy, at the same time? (He is silent for a moment; a servant enters the room.)

Servant.—Your Grace,—Count Mitrovec of Mitrova.

Dr. Svoboda (Overcome with surprise).—The Count? Let him come in! After he leaves, tell the treasurer I wish to see him.

(Enter Count Mitrovec; exit servant.)

Scene VIII

Count Mitrovec of Mitrova; Dr. Svoboda; later the Servant and Broz

Count.—Doctor, I hope I have not annoyed you by this surprise! (Presses his hand.)

Dr. Svoboda.—I so seldom have the honor of seeing you!

Count.—We two understand the pleasure of being alone, so we seldom visit each other. Even today, doctor, I do not wish to take much of your time. For I have come neither to exchange ideas, nor to be entertained.

Dr. Svoboda.—I am consumed with curiosity! (Motions to him to be seated.)

Count.—I am about to leave the village. Just an hour ago, I received a letter from the Count of Smecen which enraged me.

Dr. Svoboda.—Has something happened? Something serious?

Count.—Say, rather, something contemptible,—low!

Dr. Svoboda.—You are growing angry, Count!

Count.—Yes, even I, the old philosophical observer of human life and human events, who has but sympathy and mercy for the depravity of the human race. But this depravity, which stirred me so deeply today, is such a sure indication of moral decay, that even I could no longer retain my composure! Can you believe what the Count of Smecen writes me about the coming elections of the House of Representatives, and those frenzied agitations on the part of our opponents?

Dr. Svoboda.—I am curious.

Count.—My old friend informs me that the opposite side has resorted to methods such as never yet have been heard of in political battles. They intend to buy up, with large sums of