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teemed son, and took the liberty to come, Honorable Doctor, to ask you for advice in this matter, or at least for a suggestion.

Dr. Svoboda.—I deeply regret, Mr. Neufeld, that such matters do not fall within my province.

Neufeld (Persistently).—I took the trouble to learn whether there is an estate for sale in this district. My mother has taken a fancy to the historic banks of the Elbe which she knew years ago.

Jaroslav (Aside)—When she was still the daughter of the Burgomaster Kostelec.

Dr. Svoboda.—I know of none which would be to your liking, Mr. Neufeld.

Neufeld—My mother especially fancied this castle and estate. Honorable Doctor, should you by any chance be considering the disposal of your estate, I beg you to feel that I am not approaching you as a buyer of estates but as a connisseur, a mere connisseur.

Dr. Svoboda.—Mr. Neufeld, even though I were considering a change, it would be necessary for me to know, first of all, when the sale would occur.

Neufeld (As though he did not understand).—Whenever it might suit your pleasure, Honorable Doctor. Within four weeks, a week, (With a laugh,) or possibly even today!

Dr. Svoboda.—And if I should say that the sale could not take place until after the coming election?

Neufeld (Stirring uneasily).—I think it is unnecessary to make such a useless request.

Dr. Svoboda.—And I share the same opinion with you, Mr. Neufeld. (With emphasis.) For my estate is not on sale.

Neufeld (Surprised).—Why?

Dr. Svoboda.—I have two reasons,—(Ironically.) and above them all, I have a very strong attachment for my estate. (Bows and walks away.)

Scene XIX

Neufeld, Jaroslav

Neufeld (Gazing a few minutes at Jaroslav).—We have lost the game before it was even played.

Jaroslav.—Not at all. We must be patient and wait. The old man has scented something in the wind.

Neufeld.—Your respected father has pledged his support to his own party. He will not sell before election.