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Adam, Villiers de l'Isle, Love of the Natural, 388; Milton's Daughters 601

A. E 372

'Aims of Literary Study, The' 270

Albee, John, Virgil's Art 306

Alladine and Palomides 281

American History, Poems Illustrative of. (See School of Literature.)

Annals of a Quiet Browning Club 225, 356, 436, 556, 619

'Antony and Cleopatra,' Moral Proportion and Fatalism in 613

Arnold, M 625

Arnold's 'Sohrab and Rustum,' Blank Verse of 497

Atmosphere of Obstacle 96

Audience, The 472

Axon, W. A. E 371

Bacon 190

——, Forgotten Estimate of 185

Bad Grammar, Our Inherited 450

Baker, Geo. P 274

Bates, Katharine Lee 104

Bell, In Memoriam Miss Helen 277

Berdoe, Edward 625

Block, Louis James 569

Block, Louis James, Tennyson's Songs 127

'Blot in the 'Scutcheon,' to be performed 278

Bolles, Frank 572

Book Inklings 103, 461

—— List, Select 462

Books 472

—— (New) Attractive to Students of Letters 573, 631

——, Elizabethan 273

Bradford, Gamaliel, Nature in the Elizabethan Poets 529

Bridges, Robert 371

Browning 102, 356, 438, 445, 457, 483, 484, 573, 620-627

—— and Milsand 315

Browning as a Mystic 50

——, Definitive Edition 102

—— Joke 52

——, Letters concerning 'Life of Strafford' 581

—— Note 224

—— ——, Another 374

——, Shelley's Influence on 18

—— Society (Boston) Papers, 240; Reports 55, 168, 279, 471

Browning's and Whitman's Democracy, The Purport of 566

(See, also, titles of Works.)

Burns 326

——, Religion of 57

Carman, Bliss, Another Browning Note, 374; At the Roadhouse 397

Carman, Bliss 223, 571

Cawain, Madison 223

Charles Pelham, Sportsman: His Holiday 491

Chaucer 356

Chavannes, Puvis de 620

Clarke, Helen A., Choice of Subject-Matter in the Poets, 356; Definitive Edition of Browning, 102; Life of the Spirit in Modern English Poets, 455; Literary Essays, 625; Maeterlinck and Sharp, 157; Meditations in Motley, 34; Mrs. Moulton's O'Shaughnessy, 211; New Edition of Poe, 519; New Volumes Literary Essays, 625; Repetition and Parallelism in Verse, 458; Review of American Verse, 566; Some Elizabethan Books: Lyly and Ford, 274; Victorian Anthology 630

Coblents, H. E., The Blank Verse of Matthew Arnold's 'Sohrab and Rustum' 497

Coleridge, Rhymes in 589

'Colombe's Birthday,' by Julia Marlowe-Taber Co., 32, no; by Chicago Unity Club 167

Consummation 453