Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/107

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O equal pair! when both were ſet above
All other merit but each other’s love.
Welcome, bright Princeſs! to Great Britain’s ſhore,
As Berecynthia to high heav’n, who bore50
That ſhining race of goddeſſes and gods
That fill’d the ſkies, and rul’d the bleſs’d abodes:
From thee my Muſe expects as noble themes,
Another Mars and Jove, another James:
Our suture hopes all from thy womb ariſe,55
Our preſent joy and ſafety from your eyes;
Thoſe charming eyes! which ſhine to reconcile
To harmony and peace our ſtubborn Iſle.
On brazen Memnon Phœbus caſts a ray,
And the tough metal ſo ſalutes the day.60
The Britiſh dame, fam’d for reſiſtleſs grace,
Contends not now but for the ſecond place;
Our love ſuſpended, we neglect the fair
For whom we burn’d, to gaze adoring here.
So ſang the Syrens, with enchanting ſound,65
Enticing all to liſten and be drown’d,
Till Orpheus raviſh’d in a nobler ſtrain;
They ceas’d to ſing, or ſinging charm’d in vain.
This bleſs’d alliance, Peterborough! may
Th’ indebted nation bounteouſly repay;70
Thy ſtatues, for the Genius of our land,
With palm adorn’d, on ev’ry threſhold ſtand.72