Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/158

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PROM. From Jupiter ſpring all our woes;
Thetis is Jove’s, who once was thine:
’T is vain, O Peleus! to oppoſe
Thy torturer and mine.
Contented with deſpair,15
Reſign the fair,
Reſign, reſign!
Or, wretched Man! prepare
For change of torments great as mine.
PEL. In change of torment would be eaſe;20
Could you divine what lovers bear,
Ev’n you, Prometheus! would confeſs
There is no vulture like deſpair.
PROM. Ceaſe, cruel Vulture! to devour.
PEL. Ceaſe, cruel Thetis! to diſdain.25

THETIS entering, they repeat together,

Ceaſe, cruel Vulture! to devour.
Ceaſe, cruel Thetis! to diſdain.
THET. Peleus! unjuſtly you complain.


Ceaſe, cruel Vulture! to devour.
Ceaſe, cruel Thetis! to diſdain.30
THET. Peleus! unjuſtly you complain.
The gods, alas! no refuge find
From ills reſiſtleſs Fates ordain.
I ſtill am true—and would be kind.