Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/164

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Whither, whither art thou flying?
Loſt in ſweet tumultuous dying,
Whither, whither art thou flying,
O my Soul!155

PELEUS and THETIS both together repeat,

O my Soul!
Whither, whither art thou flying?
Loſt in ſweet tumultuous dying,
Whither whither art thou flying,
O my Soul!160

CHORUS of all voices and inſtruments, ſinging and dancing.

When the ſtorm is blown over
How bleſs’d is the ſwain
Who begins to diſcover
An end of his pain!
When the ſtorm, &c.165

The Maſk concludes with variety of dances.