Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/21

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your brother in the defence of Scilly. The ſame cauſe is now come round about again. The King has been miſled; let thoſe who miſled him be anſwerable for it. Nobody can deny but he is ſacred in his own perſon, and it is every honeſt man’s duty to defend it. You are pleaſed to ſay it is yet doubtful if the Hollanders are raſh enough to make ſuch an attempt. But be that as it will, I beg leave to be preſented to his Majeſty as one whoſe utmoſt ambition into devote his life to his ſervice and my country’s, after the example of all my anceſtors. The gentry aſſembled at York to agree upon the choice of repreſentatives for the county, have prepared an addreſs to aſſure his Majeſty they are ready to ſacrifice their lives and fortunes for him upon this and all other occaſions; but at the ſame time they humbly beſeech him to give them ſuch magiſtrates as may be agreeable to the laws of the land, for at preſent there is no authority to which they can legally ſubmit. By what I can hear, every body wiſhes well to the King, but would be glad his miniſters were hanged. The winds continue ſo contrary, that no landing can be ſo ſoon as was apprehended, therefore I may hope, with your leave and aſſiſtance, to be in readineſs before any action can begin. I beſeech you, Sir, moſt humbly, and moſt earneſtly, to add this one act of indulgence more to ſo many teſtimonies I have ſo conſtantly received of your goodneſs, and be plea-