Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/28

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whatever has been or may hereafter be publiſhed in my name, but what has the ſanction of being printed by Mr. Jacob Tonſon and Mr. Lawton Gilliver, excepting two comedies, entitled Once a Lover and Always a Lover, and The Jew of Venice, altered from Shakeſpeare.

As theſe Poems ſeem to begin where Mr. Waller lest off, though far unequal and ſhort of ſo inimitable an original, they may, however, be permitted to remain to poſterity as a faithful regiſter of the reigning beauties in the ſucceeding age.

Upon that merit alone the Author preſumes to recommend them to the patronage of the fair ſex.