Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/36

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The god of Day, deſcending from above,
Mix’d with the ſea, and got the queen of Love.
Beauty that fires the world ’t was fit ſhould riſe
From him alone who lights the ſtars and ſkies.
In Cyprus long, by men and gods obey’d,5
The lovers’ toil ſhe gratefully repaid;
Promiſcuous bleſſings to her ſlaves aſſign’d,
And taught the world that Beauty ſhould be kind.
Learn by this pattern, all ye fair! to charm;
Bright be your beams, but without ſcorching warm.10
Helen was next from Greece to Phrygia brought,
With much expenſe of blood and empire ſought.
Beauty and love the nobleſt cauſe afford
That can try valour or employ the ſword:
Not men alone incited by her charms,15
But Heav’n ’s concern’d, and all the gods take arms.
The happy Trojan, gloriouſly poſſeſt,
Enjoys the dame, and leaves to Fate the reſt.
Your cold reflections. Moraliſts! forbear;
His title ’s beſt who beſt can pleaſe the fair.20
And now the gods, in pity to the cares,
The fierce deſires, diſtractions, and deſpairs
Of tortur’d men, while Beauty was confin’d,
Reſolv’d to multiply the charming kind.
Greece was the land where this bright race begun,25
And ſaw a thouſand rivals to the ſun;