Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/43

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And now, my Muſe! a nobler flight prepare,
And ſing ſo loud that heav’n and earth may hear.
Behold from Italy an awful ray185
Of heav’nly light illuminates the day,
Northward ſhe bends, majeſtically bright,
And here ſhe fixes her imperial light.
Be bold, be bold, my Muſe! nor fear to raiſe
Thy voice to her who was thy earlieſt praiſe:190
What tho’ the ſullen Fates refuſe to ſhine,
Or frown ſevere on thy audacious line?
Keep thy bright theme within thy ſteady ſight,
The clouds ſhall fly before the dazzling light,
And everlaſting day direct thy lofty flight.195
Thou who has never yet put on diſguiſe
To flatter faction, or deſcend to vice,
Let no vain fear thy generous ardour tame,
But ſtand erect, and ſound as loud as Fame.
As when our eyes ſome proſpect would purſue,200
Descending from a hill, looks round to view,
Paſſes o’er lawns and meadows, till it gains
Some fav’rite ſpot, and, fixing, there remains;
With equal rapture my tranſported Muſe
Flies other objects, this bright theme to chuſe.205
Queen of our hearts, and charmer of our ſight,
A monarch’s pride, his glory, and delight;
Princeſs ador’d and lov’d! if verſe can give
A deathleſs name, thine ſhall for ever live;