Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/51

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Commands in chief: well fortify’d he lies,
And from her lips, her cheeks, and eyes,
All oppoſition he defies.
Reaſon, Love’s old inveterate foe,
Scarce ever reconcil’d till now,15
Reaſon aſſiſts her too.

A wiſe commander he, for council fit,
But nice and coy, nor has been ſeen to ſit
In modern ſynod, nor appear’d of late
In courts nor camps, nor in affairs of ſtate;20
Reaſon proclaims them all his foes,
Who ſuch reſiſtleſs charms oppoſe.

My very boſom-friends make war
Within my breaſt, and in her intereſts are;
Eſteem and Judgment, with ſtrong Fancy, join25
To court and call the fair invader in;
My darling favourite, Inclination, too,
All, all conſpiring with the foe.

Ah! whither ſhall I fly to hide
My weakneſs from the conqueror’s pride?30
Now, now, Diſcretion! be my guide:
But ſee, this mighty Archimedes too
Surrenders now;