Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/63

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In melting ſtrains ſee gentle Waller bleed;
Unmov’d ſhe heard what none unmov’d can read.
And thou who, oft with ſuch ambitious choice,
Haſt rais’d to Mira thy aſpiring voice,
What profit thy neglected zeal repays?90
Ah! what return? ungrateful to thy praiſe!
Change, change thy ſtyle, with mortal rage return
Unjuſt diſdain, and pride oppoſe to ſcorn:
Search all the ſecrets of the fair and young,
And then proclaim, ſoon ſhall they bribe thy tongue;95
The ſharp detractor with ſucceſs aſſails,
Sure to be gentle to the man that rails.
Women, like cowards, tame to the ſevere,
Are only fierce when they diſcover fear.”
Thus ſpake the god, and upward mounts in air,100
In juſt reſentment of his paſt deſpair.
Provok’d to vengeance, to my aid I call
The Furies round, and dip my pen in gall:
Not one ſhall ’ſcape of all the coz’ning ſex;
Vex’d ſhall they be who ſo delight to vex.105
In vain I try, in vain to vengeance move
My gentle Muſe, ſo us’d to tender love;
Such magic rules my heart, whate’er I write,
Turns all to ſoft complaint and am’rous flight.
Begone, fond thoughts, begone! be bold, ſaid I,110
Satire ’s thy theme—in vain again I try:
So charming Mira to each ſenſe appears,
My ſoul adores, my rage diſſolves in tears.