Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/67

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By dint of beauty ſhall extort your grace:
Let her appear, this rival, face to face;
Let eyes to eyes oppos’d this ſtrife decide:
Now when I lighten let her beams be try’d.
Was ’t a vain promiſe and a gownman’s lie?35
Or ſtands ſhe here unmark’d when I am by?
So Heav’n was mock’d, and once all Elis round
Another Jupiter was ſaid to ſound;
On brazen floors the royal actor tries
To ape the thunder rattling in the ſkies;40
A brandiſh’d torch, with emulating blaze,
Affects the forky lightning’s pointed rays:
Thus borne aloft, triumphantly he rode
Thro’ crowds of worſhippers, and acts the god.
The ſire Omnipotent prepares the brand45
By Vulcan wrought, and arms his potent hand,
Then flaming hurls it hiſſing from above,
And in the vaſt abyſs confounds the mimic Jove.
Preſumptuous Wretch! with mortal art to dare
Immortal pow’r, and brave the Thunderer.50
“Caſſiope preferring, with diſdain,
Her daughter to the Nereids, they complain:
The daughter, for the mother’s guilty ſcorn,
Is doom’d to be devour’d: the mother’s borne
Above the clouds, where, by immortal light55
Revers’d, ſhe ſhines, expos’d to human ſight,
And to a ſhameful poſture is confin’d,
As an eternal terror to mankind.