Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/72

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Mordaunt, th’ once her ſlave, inſults the fair
Whoſe fetters ’t was his pride in youth to wear.160
So Lucifer revolted brav’d the Power
Whom he was wont to worſhip and implore:
Like impious is their rage who have in chaſe
A new omnipotence in Grafton’s face.
But Rocheſter, undaunted, juſt, and wiſe,165
Aſſerts the goddeſs with the charming eyes:
And, O! may Beauty never want reward
For thee, her noble champion, and her guard.
Beauty triumphs, and Law ſubmitting lies;170
The tyrant tam’d, aloud for mercy cries:
Conqueſt can never fail in radiant Grafton’s eyes.172


As when ſome image of a charming face,
In living paint, an artiſt tries to trace,
He carefully conſults each beauteous line,
Adjuſting to his object his deſign;
We praiſe the piece, and give the painter fame,5
But as the juſt reſemblance ſpeaks the dame.
Poets are limners of another kind,
To copy out ideas in the mind;
Words are the paint by which their thoughts are ſhown;
And Nature ſits, the object to be drawn;10