Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/97

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Impatient with deſire; at laſt
I ventur’d to lay forms aſide:
’T was I was modeſt, not ſhe chaſte;
Chloe, ſo gently preſs’d, comply’d.

With idle awe, an am’rous fool,5
I gaz’d upon her eyes with fear:
Say, Love! how came your ſlave ſo dull
To read no better there?

Thus, to ourſelves the greateſt foes,
Altho’ the nymph be well inclin’d,10
For want of courage to propoſe,
By our own folly ſhe’s unkind.12


Corinna in the bloom of youth
Was coy to ev’ry lover;
Regardleſs of the tend’reſt truth,
No ſoft complaint could move her.

Mankind was hers: all at her feet5
Lay proſtrate and adoring;
The witty, handſome, rich, and great,
In vain alike imploring.