Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/99

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Noting at length the ſetting ſun,
They mend their pace as night comes on,
Double their ſpeed to reach their inn,
And whip and ſpur thro’ thick and thin.14


Belinda’s pride ’s an arrant cheat,
A fooliſh artifice to blind;
Some honeſt glance, that ſcorns deceit,
Does ſtill reveal her native mind.

With look demure, and forc’d diſdain,5
She idly acts the ſaint;
We ſee thro’ this diſguiſe as plain
As we diſtinguiſh paint.

So have I ſeen grave fools deſign
With formal looks to paſs for wiſe;10
But Nature is a light will ſhine,
And break thro’ all diſguiſe.12


Cleora has her wiſh; ſhe weds a peer;
Her weighty train two pages ſcarce can bear;
Perſia and both the Indies muſt provide
To grace her pomp and gratify her pride: