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Then soon shall we know    whose knowledge is more,
The guest's or the sage's gray."

Othin spake:
10."If a poor man reaches    the home of the rich,
Let him wisely speak or be still;
For to him who speaks    with the hard of heart
Will chattering ever work ill."

Vafthruthnir spake:
11."Speak forth now, Gagnrath,    if there from the floor
Thou wouldst thy wisdom make known:
What name has the steed    that each morn anew
The day for mankind doth draw?"

Othin spake:
12."Skinfaxi is he,    the steed who for men
The glittering day doth draw;
The best of horses    to heroes he seems,
And brightly his mane doth burn."

Vafthruthnir spake:
13."Speak forth now, Gagnrath,    if there from the floor