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Vafthruthnir spake:
21."Out of Ymir's flesh    was fashioned the earth,
And the mountains were made of his bones;
The sky from the frost-cold    giant's skull,
And the ocean out of his blood."

Othin spake:
22."Next answer me well,    if thy wisdom avails,
And thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
Whence came the moon,    o'er the world of men
That fares, and the flaming sun?"

Vafthruthnir spake:
23."Mundilferi is he    who begat the moon,
And fathered the flaming sun;
The round of heaven    each day they run,
To tell the time for men."

Othin spake:
24."Third answer me well,    if wise thou art called,
If thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
Whence came the day,    o'er mankind that fares,
Or night with the narrowing moon?"