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12."See where under    the gable they sit!
Behind the beam    do they hide themselves."
The beam at the glance    of the giant broke,
And the mighty pillar    in pieces fell.

13.Eight fell from the ledge,    and one alone,
The hard-hammered kettle,    of all was whole;
Forth came they then,    and his foes he sought,
The giant old,    and held with his eyes.

14.Much sorrow his heart    foretold when he saw
The giantess' foeman    come forth on the floor;
Then of the steers    did they bring in three;
Their flesh to boil    did the giant bid.

15.By a head was each    the shorter hewed,
And the beasts to the fire    straight they bore;
The husband of Sif,    ere to sleep he went,
Alone two oxen    of Hymir's ate.

16.To the comrade hoary    of Hrungnir then
Did Hlorrithi's meal    full mighty seem;
"Next time at eve    we three must eat
The food we have    {illegible}s the hunting's spoil."