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3.Fire he needs    who with frozen knees
Has come from the cold without;
Food and clothes    must the farer have,
The man from the mountains come.

4.Water and towels    and welcoming speech
Should he find who comes, to the feast;
If renown he would get,    and again be greeted,
Wisely and well must he act.

5.Wits must he have    who wanders wide,
But all is easy at home;
At the witless man    the wise shall wink
When among such men he sits.

6.A man shall not boast    of his keenness of mind,
But keep it close in his breast;
To the silent and wise    does ill come seldom
When he goes as guest to a house;
(For a faster friend    one never finds
Than wisdom tried and true.)[1]

7.The knowing guest    who goes to the feast,
In silent attention sits;
With his ears he hears,    with his eyes he watches,
Thus wary are wise men all.

  1. Lines 5 and 6 appear to have been added to the stanza.