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When among the wise    he marks it not
Though hatred of him they speak.

25.The foolish man    for friends all those
Who laugh at him will hold;
But the truth when he comes    to the council he learns,
That few in his favor will speak.

26.An ignorant man    thinks that all he knows,
When he sits by himself in a corner;
But never what answer    to make he knows,
When others with questions come.

27.A witless man,    when he meets with men,
Had best in silence abide;
For no one shall find    that nothing he knows,
If his mouth is not open too much.
(But a man knows not,    if nothing he knows,
When his mouth has been open too much.)

28.Wise shall he seem    who well can question,
And also answer well;
Nought is concealed    that men may say
Among the sons of men.

29.Often he speaks    who never is still
With words that win no faith;