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120.I rede thee, Loddfafnir!    and hear thou my rede,—
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
A good man find    to hold in friendship,
And give heed to his healing charms.

121.I rede thee, Loddfafnir!    and hear thou my rede,-
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
Be never the first    to break with thy friend
The bond that holds you both;
Care eats the heart    if thou canst not speak
To another all thy thought.

122.I rede thee, Loddfafnir!    and hear thou my rede,—
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
Exchange of words    with a witless ape
Thou must not ever make.

123.For never thou mayst    from an evil man
A good requital get;
But a good man oft    the greatest love
Through words of praise will win thee.

124.Mingled is love    when a man can speak
To another all his thought;