Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 5 (October 1914-March 1915).djvu/24

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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

"Fear not," sings Supreme One;
I am making pure, making pure,
I destroy not life,
I am Life-maker!"

The oldest man has entered the forest.
Ah! Ah! my kinsmen are wailing;
They saw me depart with Death
Into the White Change.
But I go on—and on!
And I sing the Change-Song of Supreme One:
Ha-k eohos la no-ya ai-a me la-la
Q' oalahag' i-h-e-e-la-wo!


Hear me! I shout, "Ki-Ki-y!"
See me I shake my little spear!
I am Leqa-a-to'q, the Little Son—
The strong little, swift little, fierce Little Son of the Chief.
Ki! Ki-Ki-y!
When I stamp my mighty little foot, my mother weeps;
She fears me, she trembles;
(Also old Bi'iq, my grandmother.)
The earth trembles, the sea shakes;
My little foot, stamping, rocks all the canoes of the world.
The clouds, like screaming windy birds,
Fly, fly before my little willow-bow.
The eagles screech, leaping to the pine-tops,
