Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 7 (October 1915-March 1916).djvu/138

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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

arts, and no Fund, or Foundation, or University, or American Academy in Rome, or other institution offers scholarships, or foreign travel, or anything else, to young poets. As yet Poetry's prizes—and two of fifty dollars offered for "the best lyrics" by our local contemporary, The Trimmed Lamp—are the only ones in sight. May they "breed competitors!"

H. M. (for the Jury)


Mr. Edgar Lee Masters, of Chicago, is the author of The Spoon River Anthology (Macmillan), besides earlier books of verse, prose plays, essays. etc. His new bookk of poems will soon be published by Macmillan.

Grace Hazard Conkling (Mrs. Roscoe P.), of Northampton, Mass., has just published, in the New Poetry Series (Houghton Mifihin Co.) Afternoons in April, which includes her Symphony of a Mexican Garden, from Poetry's first number.

Mr. John Hall Wheelock, of New York, author of The Beloved Adventure and Love and Liberation (Scribner), has also appeared before in Poetry. Likewise Karle Wilson Baker (Mrs. Thos. E.), of Nacogdoches, Texas, who has contributed much verse to magazines under the name of Charlotte Wilson. Other familiar contributors are Dorothy Dudley (Mrs. Henry B. Harvey) and Mr. Maxwell Bodenheim, both young poets of Chicago who have not yet published a volume; and Mr. Wallace Stevens, of New York, who was introduced by Poetry a year ago.

Of the poets new to our readers, Marguerite Wilkinson (Mrs. James G.), of Coronado, Cal., is the author of In Vivid Gardens, By a Western Wayside, and The Passing of Mars, a "modern morality play" in blank verse which has just been published by the author.

Mr. Glenn Ward Dresbach, a young poet of Tyrone, New Mexico, has published little as yet.
