Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 7 (October 1915-March 1916).djvu/160

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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

Aimlessly watching a hawk above the valleys,
Waiting his turn in the mid-summer evening,
Thinking of Aelis, whom he loved heart and soul
To find her half alone Montfort away,
And a brown, placid, hated woman visiting her,
Spoiling his visit with a year before the next one
Little enough?
Or carry him forward. "Go through all the courts,
My Magnet," Bertrand had said.

We come to Ventadour
In the mid love court, he sings out the canzon,
No one hears save Arrimon Luc D'Esparo—
No one hears aught save the gracious sound of compliments.
Sir Arrimon counts on his fingers, Montfort,
Rochecouart, Chalais, the rest, the tactic,
Malemort, guesses beneath, sends word to Coeur de Lion:

The compact, de Born smoked out trees felled
About his castle, cattle driven out!
Or no one sees it, and En Bertrans prospered?

And ten years after, or twenty as you will,
Arnaut and Richard lodge beneath Chalus:
The dull round towers encroaching on the field,
The tents tight drawn, horses at tether
Further and out of reach, the purple night,
