Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 7 (October 1915-March 1916).djvu/235

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God made my body slim and white
To be men's torture and men's delight.

God made my heart a wayside inn,
And there the guests keep merry din.

God left my soul a lamp unlit—
But only God ever thinks of it.


I sowed my thought like seed.
Up sprang a noxious weed.
I shall sow my thought again: a flower may be the meed.
My thought is hard and cold;
The soil is worn and old
What if marybuds should rise and turn the earth to gold?


I who had sought God blindly in the skies—
Listening for heaven to thunder forth my name,
Waiting for doves descending to my head,
Looking to see the bushes burst in flame—
