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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

pure Slavs, with a language as different from Russian as French is from Portuguese. Their religion, which is Greek Catholic, recognizes the authority of the Pope, and is therefore forbidden in Russia. Their folk-love is exceedingly rich.

Kohanka means sweetheart, Kokhanits, my lover.


Original Verse:

His Lady of the Sonnets, by Robert W. Norwood. Sherman, French & Co.
Peace Sonnets, by Jessie Wiseman Gibbs. Privately printed.
A Little Book of Local Verse, by Howard Mumford Jones. Privately printed.
Canzona Amorosa, by Harold Hersey. Privately printed.


The Arrow-Maker: A Drama in Three Acts, by Mary Austin. Houghton-Mifflin Co.
Armageddon, by Stephen Phillips. John Lane.

Biography and Essays:

W. B. Yeats: A Critical Study, by Forest Reid. Dodd, Mead & Co.
Bernard Show: A Critical Study, by P. P. Howe. Dodd, Mead & co.
Maurice Maeterlinck: A Critical Study, by Una Taylor. Dodd, Mead & Co.
John M. Synge: A Few Personal Recollections with Biographical Notes, by John Masefield. Macmillan.
