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Historia Diplomatica de statu Religionis Evangel: In Hungaria. 1710, fol.
Lampe (Paul Ember) Historia Ecclesiae Reformatae in Hungaria et Transylvania. Poolsum, 1728,4to.
Memorabilia Augustanae Confessionis in Hungaria. Ed. Joan. Roboni. Poson, 1792. (An admirable book.)
Novi ecclesiastici et scholastici Anuales Evangelicorum Aug. et Hel. Conf. in Ditionibus Domus Aust. Herid. Ed. Sam. Ambrosius Shemnicii, 1793, 4to.
Protestans Ekklesiak Historája Magyar és Erdély Országbaun. Készitette s' kiadta. Tóth Ferentz, 8 Komáron, 1808.
J. S. Klein's Nachrichten von den Lebensumstaenden evangelischer Predeger in Ungaria. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1789.
Kurze Geschichte der Evangelischen Lutherischen Kirche in Ungarn von Anfang der Reformation bis auf Leopold II. Göttingen, 1794.
And the historians of Hungary, such as Von Engel, Fessler, Katona (40 volumes), Budai, Palma, and otliers.

Schedel (under the name of Toldy Ferencz) has done acceptable service to the Magyar literature by his well-selected Anthology, Handbuch der Ungrischen Poesie,[1] which is in itself a little, agreeable Magyar library of poetry. His coadjutor in this excellent labor is George Stettner, who adopts the pseudonyme of Fenyéry Julius. It contains not only a series of well-selected specimens, but the most important facts in the biography of the principal poets of Hungary. On

this I have ventured to draw largely. It has fur-

  1. In two volumes 8vo. Pest and Vienna, 1828.