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with great rapidity, each being welcomed with new enthusiasm. He has taken his materials, for the most part, from the interesting events of Magyar history, and has presented admirable pictures in which truth has furnished all their bright lights and dark shadows. He deserves a more special attention, and a more careful and detailed criticism, than can be found room for here; but on some future occasion, I hope, with the co-operation of a valuable friend, to introduce some of his admirable works in their entirety to English readers. His Aurora cannot be mentioned without praise. For some years it has been the receptacle of the gems of modern Magyar poetry. It was here that Kölcsey first became known.

Charles Kisfaludy is the younger brother of Alexander, and was born at Tét, on the 19th of March, 1790. In his fifteenth year he entered the army,—was engaged in the campaign of Italy in 1805, and that of Germany in 1809. It is said that when he left his paternal home he had never seen any other poetry than his brother's Himfy. This, however, sufficed to enkindle the embers of his imagination, and in Italy he wrote many poems, which have seen the light at different times, and in various ways. The first of his