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main body. After two days of hard fighting, the forces opposing the king melted away into darkness during the night, and his troops returned in triumph.[1]

Narses, king of Adiabene, had not only refused to join with Vologases in his eastern campaign but may have shown signs of becoming friendly to the Romans. For these reasons, after his successful conquest, the Parthian monarch invaded Adiabene, destroyed and pillaged several cities, and went home only after drowning Narses in the Greater Zab.[2]

In 197 Severus began preparations for an attack on Parthia itself. Three new legions—the I, II, and III Parthica[3]—were created for the coming campaign, and at least a part of the III Augusta must have served.[4] His officers probably included Statilius Barbaras,[5] L. Fabius Cilo,[6] Q. Lollianus Gentianus,[7] and C. Fulvius Plautianus.[8] In the latter part of 197

  1. Mšiḥa Zkha, loc. cit.
  2. Mšiḥa Zkha, p. 23 (tr. pp. 101 f.).
  3. Dio Cass. lv. 24. 4. On the numerous problems which surround these legions see PW, arts. "Legio (Severus)" and "Legio (II Parthica)." Mattingly and Sydenham, Rom. Imp. Coin., IV, 102, No. 91, PROFECTIO AUG., may celebrate the Emperor's departure.
  4. CIL, VIII, No. 2975 = Dessau 2306.
  5. PW, art. "Statilius (Barbarus)," No. 13.
  6. PW, art. "Fabius," No. 65.
  7. PW, art. "Lollianus," No. 5.
  8. PW, art. "Fulvius," No. 101. In the cases of some of these men there is uncertainty as to whether their service was in the first campaign instead.