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this occaſion, owned that he had from Madrid received intelligence that the Engliſh had been forcibly expelled from Falkland’s Iſland by Buccarelli, the governor of Buenos Ayres, without any particular orders from the King of Spain. But being aſked, whether in his maſter’s name he diſavowed Buccarelli’s violence, he refuſed to anſwer without direction.

The ſcene of negociation was now removed to Madrid, and in September Mr. Harris was directed to demand from Grimaldi the Spaniſh miniſter the reſtitution of Falkland’s Iſland, and a diſavowal of Buccarelli’s hoſtilities.

It was to be expected that Grimaldi would object to us our own behaviour, who had ordered the Spaniards to depart from the ſame iſland. To this it was replied, That the Engliſh forces were indeed directed to warn other nations away; but if
