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cannot, nor ought in any wiſe to affect the queſtion of the prior right of ſovereignty of the Malouine otherwiſe called Falkland’s Iſlands.

This conceſſion was accepted by the Earl of Rochford, who declared on the part of his maſter, that the Prince of Maſſeran being authorized by his Catholick Majeſty, to offer in his Majeſty’s name, to the King of Great Britain, ſatisfaction for the injury done him by diſpoſſeſſing him of Port Egmont, and having ſigned a declaration expreſſing that his Catholick Majeſty diſavows the expedition againſt Port Egmont, and engages to reſtore it in the ſtate in which it ſtood before the 10th of June 1770, his Britannick majeſty will look upon the ſaid declaration, together with the full performance of the engagement en the part of his Catholick Majeſty, as a ſatisfaction for the injury done to the crown of Great Britain.
