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your purpoſed expedition, and expreſsly diſowned any deſign of ſettling, where you are now not content to ſettle and to reign, without extorting ſuch a confeſſion of original right, as may invite every other nation to follow you.

To conſiderations ſuch as theſe, it is reaſonable to impute that anxiety of the Spaniards, from which the importance of this iſland is inferred by Junius, one of the few writers of his deſpicable faction whoſe name does not diſgrace the page of an opponent. The value of the thing diſputed may be very different to him that gains and him that loſes it. The Spaniards, by yielding Falkland’s iſland, have admitted a precedent of what they think encroachment; have ſuffered a breach to be made in the outworks of their empire; and notwithſtanding the reſerve of prior right, have ſuffered a dangerous exception to the preſcriptive tenure of their American territories.
