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In the reign of Elizabeth, the favourite period of Engliſh greatneſs, no enterpriſes againſt America had any other conſequence than that of extending Engliſh navigation. Here Cavendiſh periſhed after all his hazards; and here Drake and Hawkins, great as they were in knowledge and in fame, having promiſed honour to themſelves and dominion to the country, ſunk by deſperation and miſery in diſhonourable graves.

During the protectorſhip of Cromwell, a time of which the patriotick tribes ſtill more ardently deſire the return, the Spaniſh dominions were again attempted; but here, and only here, the fortune of Cromwell made a pauſe. His forces were driven from Hiſpaniola, his hopes of poſſeſſing the Weft Indies vaniſhed, and Jamaica was taken, only that the whole expedition might not grow ridiculous.

The attack of Carthagena is yet remembered, where the Spaniards from the ram-
