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as may be found in one of the larger Engliſh counties:

That perſecution is not more virtuous in a Proteſtant than a Papiſt; and that while we blame Lewis the Fourteenth, for his dragoons and his gallies, we ought, when power comes into our hands, to uſe it with greater equity:

That when Canada with its inhabitants was yielded, the free enjoyment of their religion was ſtipulated; a condition, of which King William, who was no propagator of Popery, gave an example nearer home, at the ſurrender of Limerick:

That in an age, where every mouth is open for liberty of conſcience, it is equitable to ſhew ſome regard to the conſcience of a Papiſt, who may be ſuppoſed, like other men, to think himſelf ſafeſt in his own religion and that thoſe at leaſt, who
