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bornneſs of their progenitors; that they are too obſtinate for perſuaſion, and too powerful for conſtraint; that they will laugh at argument, and defeat violence; that the continent of North America contains three millions, not of men merely, but of Whigs, of Whigs fierce for liberty, and diſdainful of dominion; that they multiply with the fecundity of their own rattle-ſnakes, ſo that every quarter of a century doubles their numbers.

Men accuſtomed to think themſelves maſters do not love to be threatened. This talk is, I hope, commonly thrown away, or raiſes paſſions different from thoſe which it was intended to excite. Inſtead of terrifying the Engliſh hearer to tame acquieſcence, it diſpoſes him to haſten the experiment of bending obſtinacy before it is become yet more obdurate, and convinces him that it is neceſſary to attack a nation thus prolific while we may yet hope to pre-
