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of profound peace, for the defence of America, for the purpoſe of raiſing a revenue, or for any other end beneficial to the Empire.

There are ſome, and thoſe not inconſiderable for number, nor contemptible for knowledge, who except the power of taxation from the general dominion of Parliament, and hold, that whatever degrees of obedience may be exacted, or whatever authority may be exerciſed in other acts of Government, there is ſtill reverence to be paid to money, and that legiſlation paſſes its limits when it violates the purſe.

Of this exception, which by a head not fully impregnated with politicks is not eaſily comprehended, it is alleged as an unanſwerable reaſon, that the Colonies ſend no repreſentatives to the Houſe of Commons.
