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How any man can have conſented to inſtitutions eſtabliſhed in diſtant ages, it will be difficult to explain. In the moſt favourite reſidence of liberty, the conſent of individuals is merely paſſive, a tacit admiſſion in every community of the terms which that community grants and requires. As all are born the ſubjects of ſome ſtate of other, we may be ſaid to have been all born conſenting to ſome ſyſtem of Government. Other conſent than this, the condition of civil life does not allow. It is the unmeaning clamour of the pedants of policy, the delirious dream of republican fanaticiſm.

But hear, ye ſons and daughters of liberty, the ſounds which the winds are wafting from the Weſtern Continent. The Americans are telling one another, what, if we may judge from their noiſy triumph, they have but lately diſcovered, and what yet is a very important truth: That they
