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and that he who ſuffers injuſtice, is without redreſs, however innocent, however miſerable.

The poſition is true but the argument is uſeleſs. The Commons muſt be controlled, or be exempt from control. If they are exempt they may do injury which cannot be redreſſed, if they are controlled they are no longer legiſlative.

If the poſſibility of abuſe be an argument againſt authority, no authority ever can be eſtabliſhed; if the actual abuſe deſtroys its legality, there is no legal government now in the world.

This power, which the Commons have ſo long exerciſed, they ventured to uſe once more againſt Mr. Wilkes, and on the 3d of February, 1769, expelled him the Houſe, for having printed and publiſhed a ſeditious libel, and three obſcene and impious libels.
