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dify its particular regulations by the general law, and whatever may be its internal expences, is ſtill liable to Taxes laid by ſuperior authority.

The Charters given to different provinces are different, and no general right can be extracted from them. The Charter of Pennſylvania, where this Congreſs of anarchy has been impudently held, contains a clauſe admitting in expreſs terms Taxation by the Parliament. If in the other Charters no ſuch reſerve is made, it muſt have been omitted as not neceſſary, becauſe it is implied in the nature of ſubordinate government. They who are ſubject to laws, are liable to Taxes. If any ſuch immunity had been granted, it is ſtill revocable by the Legiſlature, and ought to be revoked, as contrary to the publick good, which is in every Charter ultimately intended.
