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It muſt always be remembered that they are repreſented by the ſame virtual repreſentation as the greater part of Engliſhmen; and that if by change of place they have leſs ſhare in the Legiſlature than is proportionate to their opulence, they by their removal gained that opulence, and had originally and have now their choice of a vote at home, or riches at a diſtance.

We are told, what appears to the Old Member and to others a poſition that muſt drive us into inextricable abſurdity, that we have either no right, or the ſole right of taxing the Colonies. The meaning is, that if we can tax them, they cannot tax themſelves; and that if they can tax themſelves, we cannot tax them. We anſwer with very little heſitation, that for the general uſe of the Empire we have the ſole right of taxing them. If they have contributed any thing in their own aſſemblies, what they contributed was not
