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at liberty to grant or to deny, they are no longer ſubjects.

If they are to be repreſented, what number of theſe weſtern orators are to be admitted? This I ſuppoſe the parliament muſt ſettle; yet if men have a natural and unalienable right to be repreſented, who ſhall determine the number of their delegates? Let us however ſuppoſe them to ſend twenty-three, half as many as the kingdom of Scotland, what will this repreſentation avail them? To pay taxes will be ſtill a grievance. The love of money will not be leſſened, nor the power of getting it increaſed.

Whither will this neceſſity of repreſentation drive us? Is every petty ſettlement to be out of the reach of government, till it has ſent a ſenator to Parliament; or may two of them or a greater number be forced to unite in a ſingle deputation? What at laſt is the differ-
