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When they tell of laws made expreſsly for their puniſhment, we anſwer, that tumults and ſedition were always puniſhable, and that the new law preſcribes only the mode of execution.

When it is ſaid that the whole town of Boſton is diſtreſſed for a miſdemeanour of a few, we wonder at their ſhamefulneſs; for we know that the town of Boſton, and all the aſſociated provinces, are now in rebellion to defend or juſtify the criminals.

If frauds in the impoſts of Boſton are tried by commiſſion without a jury, they are tried here in the ſame mode; and why ſhould the Boſtonians expert from us more tenderneſs for them than for ourſelves?

If they are condemned unheard, it is becauſe there is no need of a trial. The crime is manifeſt and notorious. All trial
