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thod of intimidation was uſed, and ſome acts of violence were done to hinder Mr. Lutterel from appearing. He was not deterred, and the poll was taken, which exhibited
for Mr. Wilkes, — — 1143
for Mr. Lutterel, — — 296
The ſheriff returned Mr. Wilkes, but the Houſe, on April the fifteenth, determined that Mr. Lutterel was lawfully elected.

From this day begun the clamour, which has continued till now. Thoſe who had undertaken to oppoſe the miniſtry, having no grievance of greater magnitude, endeavoured to ſwell this deciſion into bulk, and diſtort it into deformity, and then held it out to terrify the nation.

Every artifice of ſedition has been ſince practiſed to awaken diſcontent and inflame indignation. The papers of every day have been filled with the exhortations and menaces of faction. The madneſs has ſpread
