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of our own Coloniſts, juſt reſcued from the French, would not move to indignation, like that of the Scythians, who, returning from war, found themſelves excluded from their own houſes by their ſlaves.

That corporations conſtituted by favour, and exiſting by ſufferance, ſhould dare to prohibit commerce with their native country, and threaten individuals by infamy, and ſocieties with at leaſt ſuſpenſion of amity, for daring to be more obedient to government than themſelves, is a degree of inſolence, which not only deſerves to be puniſhed, but of which the puniſhment is loudly demanded by the order of life, and the peace of nations.

Yet there have riſen up, in the face of the publick, men who, by whatever corruptions or whatever infatuation, have undertaken to defend the Americans, en-
