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from an Engliſh Parliament, or included in any general taxation of the kingdom; but as a ſtate diſtinct, and independent, governed by its own inſtitutions, adminiſtered by its own magiſtrates, and exempt from any tax or tribute but ſuch as we ſhall impoſe upon ourſelves.

We are the acknowledged deſcendants of the earlieſt inhabitants of Britain, of men, who before the time of hiſtory took poſſeſſion of the iſland deſolate and waſte, and therefore open to the firſt occupants. Of this deſcent, our language is a ſufficient proof, which, not quite a century ago, was different from yours.

Such are the Corniſhmen; but who are you? who but the unauthoriſed and lawleſs children of intruders, invaders, and oppreſſors? who but the tranſmitters of wrong, the inheritors of robbery? In claiming independence we claim but little. We might require you to depart from a
