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every port is ſhut againſt us. We are cenſured as tyrannical for hindering thoſe from fiſhing, who have condemned our merchants to bankruptcy and our manufacturers to hunger.

Others perſuade us to give them more liberty, to take off reſtraints, and relax authority; and tell us what happy conſequences will ariſe from forbearance: How their affections will be conciliated, and into what diffuſions of beneficence their gratitude will luxuriate. They will love their friends. They will reverence their protectors. They will throw themſelves into our arms, and lay their property at our feet. They will buy from no other what we can ſell them; they will fell to no other what we wiſh to buy.

That any obligations ſhould overpower their attention to profit, we have known them long enough not to expect. It is not to be expected from a more liberal people.
