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moſt cheaply from Britain, they will ſtill buy, what they can fell to us at the higheſt price they will ſtill ſell.

It is, however, a little hard, that having ſo lately fought and conquered for their ſafety, we ſhould govern them no longer. By letting them looſe before the war, how many millions might have been ſaved. One wild propoſal is beſt anſwered by another. Let us reſtore to the French what we have taken from them. We ſhall ſee our Coloniſts at our feet, when they have an enemy ſo near them. Let us give the Indians arms, and teach them diſcipline, and encourage them now and then to plunder a Plantation. Security and leiſure are the parents of ſedition.

While theſe different opinions are agitated, it ſeems to be determined by the Legiſlature, that force ſhall be tried. Men
